Friday, September 19, 2008


If you are interested in leaving a comment, please scroll down to the bottom of the most recent posting, and there will you find this line:

"Posted by Joplin at 8:54 AM COMMENT ON THIS POST "

You can then click on the 'comment on this post' line and it will take you to a pop-up window where you can leave your own comment.

Hope this helps!

You can also see how many views we have on this blog below the picture of Jalene on her bike...now we're almost to 260!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Having trouble making a comment?

Good morning everyone,
I have heard a few people have had problems trying to post a comment and I'm working on this. I'm not sure what the problem is, but every time I test it as a 'generic' user, the comment section is working for me...the system 'thinks' a little longer than usual, but then eventually saves the comment.

Jalene is at my house, just now saw the blog for the first time, and is speechless and very grateful. The good energy is coming through!

And please a reminder that if you make a donation at US Bank, please email me so I can put you on the list for bracelets. Unfortunately if you make a donation at the bank, it doesn't list your name so I can't tell unless you notify me...and I want to make sure everyone gets their bracelets!

Jalene had a 2 hour session of radiation yesterday and this completes her 3rd week of radiation. Keep the love and the prayers coming. God Bless all of you who love Jalene! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Wow everyone. I've gotten so many emails and calls from people..this is just amazing.
Jalene is loved, what can I say!? :)

If you are making a donation at US Bank, please email me so I can send you a bracelet. The bracelet order is still on track to arrive October 1st.

Jalene is hanging tough today after her radiation session, and is definitely feeling the love from all her family and friends! A big thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm about Team Jalene!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Glich at US Bank

There is a 'glich' in the US Bank system everyone. I apologize to those of you who have gone to the bank today and just ended up with someone telling you they couldn't find the account. Now the problem has supposedly been fixed, and as long as they know the account is a donation account, the name it's under is 'JALENE P. BROOKS DONATION'. We are getting an excellent response for these bracelets and, again, I apologize if the bank has inconvenienced anyone.

Tomorrow Jalene starts her 3rd week of radiation, so everyone please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!!!

Love to you all, Janis

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Working on online payment option

Hello everyone,
I want to send a quick note tonight to say that my fantastic cousin, Steve Limbocker, is helping me look into an online payment option that makes sense for Jalene so she doesn't get hit with fees. Hopefully soon we will have that option available for a more convenient and safe way to donate online.
I have already received an awesome response and quite a few bracelet orders! I'm so fired up!