Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Happy halloween

Happy Halloween!

Jalene is at home tonight and gearing up for possibly going into work tomorrow..I actually don't know whether she's planning on going in or not. Hopefully not as her body has not recovered from the radiation treatment this week.
She has normally been going in on Mondays, then works early morning Tuesday before radiation, then the same Wednesday if her body can handle it. Then Thursdays she's pretty much down for the count...and Fridays are a toss-up..depending on how her body is holding up.
So, if she's planning on throwing herself back into the 40+ hour workweek starting next week, she's going to need a lot of support and prayers as that's going to be a huge adjustment.

Thank you to everyone so far who has sent in pictures for the slide show! (Mostly my friends because I'm continuously harassing you :) )

I have to put this picture of Jalene on this post because it's Halloween, and this was taken a couple of years ago and I love this picture of her!


This is it!

She's DONE!!!!! Yesterday was Jalene's final radiation treatment, and although she is feeling horrible, she is so fired up! I didn't talk to her much yesterday because she was feeling too sick to talk on the phone....but I heard the emotion in her voice and she's so thankful it's over with and so grateful to everyone who's been supporting her.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE...this blog couldn't have happened without YOU.

Jalene has an scan on friday that will determine that all the cancer is gone, so keep praying everyone.
Because Jalene is a HUGE fan of Michael McDonald, and of course all 3 of us sisters are crazy for him...we will celebrate the end of Jalene's treatments with some MM.

God bless all of you! You are loved.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One day to go!

Jalene is resting at home tonight after her 2nd to LAST radiation session.

A big thank you to a good friend of hers in Boston who called her tonight and completely lifted her spirits. She is, as expected, not feeling well, but got a big hug from Julianne! Before we left Jalene's house today, Julianne insisted on climbing on Auntie GG's bed to give her a big hug and kiss...then proceeded to pick up a lifesize Tiger (stuffed animal), and heave-ho it on the bed to snuggle with Jalene. Pretty cute.

We love you Jalene..you can do it. One more day.

You are loved!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hi Jalene

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This lifeguard's for you Jalene

Ok, so tuesday morning is Jalene's radiation treatment. I know she's really having a hard time, so sister, this should give you a laugh.

I know that your own personal lifeguard, David, is singing straight out to ya! Especially because of what happened when our family was camping waaaaaaaaaaaay long ago. All I remember is swimming in the lake, when all of a sudden the lifeguard came running and splashing by me, muscles rippling in the sun...and he went jumping in the water to save my sister Jalene from drowning. Well, we all know that Jalene was wildly flailing her arms 'supposedly' drowning because she thought the lifeguard was a hottie. And this I vaguely remember because I think I was only 10 years old or so..which would put Jalene at about 12 years old.

Good stuff. So Jalene, this 'lifeguard' is for you!


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hey all,

This is Jalene's LAST WEEK of radiation treatments!!! Then on this coming friday she has a scan that will confirm that the cancer is all gone! She has had a pretty good weekend, just very tired as usual.

Keep sending the love and hey, what about all you people out there who haven't sent me your pictures showing your bracelets!? There are A LOT of you out there NOT on the slideshow! So...give your sister Jalene some lovin and send me your pic. Just use your cell phone if that's easiest...and send it straight to my email from your cell!

