Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Arise Today

I arise today
Through the strength of heaven:
Light of sun,
Radiance of moon,
Splendour of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of wind,
Depth of sea,
Stability of earth
Firmness of rock.--
Kuno Meyer Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry

Friday, October 24, 2008

Auntie GG and Julianne (niece)

This is a great picture of my daughter, Julianne, and Jalene from this past weekend. We were in Boring, OR at our Aunt Peggy's house for a big family Harvest Fest get together. This picture is just beautiful. No wonder Jalene always gets away with telling people Julianne is HER daughter! :)
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Thursday, October 23, 2008


WOW YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Starting from the left, this picture is of Aunt Rita, Diane, and Mandy. They are our Minnesota relatives who put together the donation garage sale with all proceeds going to TEAM JALENE. Thanks guys! I LOVE THE PIC and I know Jalene will love seeing it on the blog also.


Miesen Family
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One week left!

Hey all,

So Jalene finished up her radiation for this week, is at home, and not feeling well at all tonight. She's down for the count, and please keep the prayers coming. Next week is her last week of radiation, and then she gets an ultrasound done to determine where the cancer is at.

I cannot say it enough...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all who have supported Jalene, and I know will continue to support her as dedicated friends and family in her life.

Hopefully Jalene starts to feel better in the next couple of days and can re-energize for her last week of treatment.

Love to you all, and love to Jalene,


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Jalene is feeling pretty sick tonight, so everyone please send a few of your angels her way to get through the second treatment on Wednesday.

I love you Jalene, and I'm sending all twelve of my angels to you!


Radiation Day

Say prayers for our girl today. It's another radiation day and the session begins at 11am for 2 hours. We love you Jalene, you can and will get through this! We are all by your side!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Diane brought it baby!

This post is a big SHOUT OUT to my cousin Diane in Minnesota. She came up with an amazing idea to have a 'donation' garage sale in which all proceeds go towards Jalene and the boys. So, with her idea in gear, my other cousin Mandy and my Aunt Rita all got together to make it happen. Even my cousins' neighbors all pitched in to donate household items...and they don't even know Jalene..so if that isn't God in the works, I don't know what is. :)

So a HUGE THANK YOU goes out to the Minnesota crew who pulled together and raised a great deal of money for the Jalene donation account!!! Our favorite priest here in Portland, Fr. John, has a great saying: YOU ARE LOVED!


Janis and Family


Posted by PicasaI'm a WHOLE lotta woman baby!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2 weeks left! And...

It's a new week for Jalene. She's officially got 2 weeks left of radiation and is staying strong and trying to keep on top of the game! And...........
Where are all the pics? Come ON PEOPLE! Let's show a little lovin in the blog for sister Jalene! It's easy...get out your camera, smile, and show that bracelet. And email me the picture to 'janismiesen@hotmail.com'. Let's get this slideshow growing with peeps who love Jalene.
