Friday, October 10, 2008

In the mail!

A BIG thank you to mom and Chuck for addressing all the envelopes and getting those bracelets in the mail today!! I am stuck at the house with sick babies and a sick husband.

Jalene is still feeling 'in the dumps' today, but I hear that CJ is a big help at the house, so thanks to CJ who's an awesome son. (and nephew) ;) He came home from school early this morning and started raking leaves..isn't that great?

We love you Jalene!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The bracelets are in!

The bracelets are here and they look awesome. For those of you who ordered, we're shipping them out to you tomorrow. And if you haven't ordered a bracelet yet, now's the time! :)


We are family..I've got all my sisters and me!

Joanne Jalene Janis

Message from Minnesota

Jalene is still hanging in there this week, but definitely having a tough time. She's been to work every day, and yesterday completed her 6th week of radiation.

Here is a special email I received from my Aunt Rita in Minnesota...my mom's side of the family. Our 'Burtness' cousins are pretty amazing! :

"Hi Janis, I hope you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all daily. Diane and Mandy were over for dinner tonight and Diane is going to organize a garage sale, just for donations only. We've got to hurry up before the snow flys. Diane thinks of everything.... It must be the Burtness blood in the two of you! She has talked with some of her friends and people seem to have tons of stuff to donate so we should do pretty good. I'll keep you posted. Tell everyone hello for me. I sure miss you all,
Hugs and kisses, aunt Rita"

So, thanks to everyone who loves Jalene...wonderful things are happening.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bracelets update!

Finally, the bracelets are on track to arrive tomorrow! I promise we will get these out asap.

Get ready to send in your pictures of you wearing your bracelet. I'm going to be setting up a slide show on the blog so everyone can see all the TEAM JALENE bracelets out there!

Jalene is very sick after the radiation treatment today, so I know you'll keep her in your thoughts.

Love to you all..


Flowers for you Auntie GG

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Julianne's first post for Auntie GG

Today is my daughter, Julianne's (2 1/2 years), first post to the blog for Jalene, aka Auntie GG. Jalene is going through radiation again today, starting at 11am...keep prayers coming! Julianne has proudly picked out the song playing on the blog today, "The Farmer in the Dell". She is singing it right now for Auntie GG and the following is Julianne's message:

"I have a listening sticker Auntie GG. And I'm getting another one! I love Auntie GG!
I love Auntie GG and I love her best! Most of all, I love DaDa! I love Liam and Dad. I love pencils, paper, computers, bugs, flys, and bees. We have a candle, a train, and my Katie Morag book.
I want to say to Auntie JJ.. hello Grandpa and Nana Julie and Jericho!!!! I love DaDa, Toby, Mama, and the tic tac toe game.
I hope you feel all better and I love your toe"


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Steve Perry

Yes this is a Journey moment. A special moment/memory dedicated to Jalene and Joanne. (Joanne, I warned you if you couldn't come up with a story that I would tell one for you!) :)

This moment is for Jalene who's having her 2 hour radiation treatment starting at 11am, and I know she'll need a chuckle today.

Years ago when the Miesen family was camping at Shasta Lake (1982 maybe), Jalene and Joanne used to 'shun' their baby sister (Janis) because I was too young to hang around with them while they were on the hunt for boys.
Having completed their mission, mom made them take me along to hang out. So we went to a campsite where a few young men were hanging out in a trailor, and LOW AND BEHOLD it was actually the rock group, Journey! And the lead singer, Steve Perry, was so HOT!! Can you believe it? Well Jalene and Joanne believed it and thought they were on like Cloud 50 or something. (wheel in the sky)
Well, after having found out Jalene and Joanne lied about their age to these guys, and being the big-mouthed little sister I was, I blurted out, "Jalene, you are NOT 18!", and my most famous line growing up "I'm telling mom!". So, then I basically had to run for my life back to our family campground to seek shelter and to of course 'tell' mom that Jalene and Joanne were lying to these guys about their ages.

And wouldn't you know these guys were lying about who they were? They were not Journey, and the hottie boy was not Steve Perry. Talk about a crushing blow to those two sisters of mine.

So, enjoy the Journey Jalene! This one's for you and Joanne...and Steve Perry.

PS. The bracelets are stuck in customs on the East Coast, and the latest word today is that they are supposedly being shipped tomorrow and I will be provided with a tracking number. Pray for bracelets!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Back to work

Hey everyone,

Jalene is heading back to work today! She will be needing some positive energy vibes coming her way, and definitely lots of prayers. No doubt it will be difficult to keep up on the radiation schedules she has, and also to keep up at work. We are praying for you sister.

I will be updating on bracelet info later today...hopefully the shipping delay isn't too much longer.
