Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kicking out a little barbershop your way

Hey sister,
Here's a little barbershop coming your way for your Sunday. I think it's kinda like Dad sending a little love from up above.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Old School Mix for my girl

Thanks to everyone who's leaving comments on the blog. I know that Jalene and everyone else loves reading them!

This special 'old school mix' from the 80's is solely on here for Jalene's enjoyment. And I have no doubt she will get the smiles she needs when she opens this blog.
Jalene, does this take you back to walking to Columbia Park with the radio on our shoulders? Or the Doug E Fresh Concert we went to in 1984?
Well, it's friday night, so here's to a great weekend for you sister!

I love you!!!!


Delay in Bracelets

I have just been informed this morning that our TEAM JALENE bracelets are stuck in a shipping delay. They are keeping me up to date on the issue.
This bums me out and I'm so sorry everyone! :(

Jalene's wonderful friend, Tracey, has been letting Jalene 'borrow' his dog, Zeus. He's been keeping Jalene company for almost the past month and he's been on the watch, but the cats don't like him. So thank you to Tracey for being so supportive for my sister and such a fantastic friend!

I was at a US Bank in Beaverton yesterday to make a deposit in the donation account, but they couldn't find the account until I gave them my name. If other people have been getting this same issue, I haven't heard about it...so please email me if you are not able to make your deposit at the bank ok?

Happy friday everyone, and thanks for visiting Jalene's blog!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

A message from mamacita

This is a message from our mamacita:

Chuck, Toby, and I are sitting in Jalene's driveway this morning, and I'm in the place I know I really need to be. It's so much fun to be close to CJ and Joseph.
I love you Jalene,


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Give to Live

Hey sister, just picked up your bro-in-law at the airport and he's sending much lovin your way! GO TEAM JALENE!
Jalene is having a tough night tonight after her radiation today, and up for another 2 hour session on Wednesday morning, then it's back to recuperating for the remainder of the week.
Mom and Chuck are parked in Jalene's driveway (in their motorhome) for the full month of October, so it's GREAT they will be there to help out Jalene and the boys with anything they need. Joseph, I know, is very excited about having Toby the dog around, and also Grandma's cookin!
Thank you everybody for the comments you're leaving, and for all the continuing support for our Ironwoman. Jalene's Beaverton Bunko group all chipped in for an Albertsons gift card for Jalene, so you guys ROCK!

Jalene, remember Sammy loves you and he's singing this one to you! We might not be watching him in concert at Delta Park, and no scuffles in the beer garden at the moment, but you can listen to him on your blog! :)
Janis xxxooo

Monday, September 29, 2008

Why do birds...suddenly appear...

Your ears are not deceiving you...this really IS the Carpenters playing on the blog today! This is dedicated to my sister, Jalene, to hopefully put a smile on her face on this tough and difficult day she has coming up on Tuesday.
One of the songs on this track, "Close to You", is, should I say, one of 'our' songs that we love to sing to each other over the years...going waaaaay back to when CJ was only 3 months old and she was living with mom and Chuck again. Well, I had just had my first knee surgery and she had to share the sofa bed with me in the downstairs TV room. I had a Carpenters tape that I would listen to at night to help get to sleep..and she was like "Janis, you've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME". And I thought to myself..'oh yes, this will be fun'!
Well, I would always sing this song to her at night and we'd end up in hysterics laughing. Well, it's 18 years later, and I routinely leave it on her voice mail, or sing to her in person, and well....if Jalene is the only person today that starts cracking up when she pulls up the Blog, then it's all worth it.

Always, Close to you Jalene :)

Love your little sis, Janis

New Day, New Week

It's a new day and new week for Jalene, and the beginning of the last half of her treatments, which start up again tomorrow. She goes in for blood work today and also having an ultrasound later this week to try and detect how much the radiation is getting rid of the cancer. Say prayers!
Bracelets are supposed to be in by Wednesday, so we're getting ready to ship them out hopefully the next day!
My daughter, Julianne, just got off the phone with Jalene who was trying to encourage her to eat her apples. Auntie GG is Julianne's FAVORITE and she never fails to put a smile on Jalene's face. ;)
