Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Give to Live

Hey sister, just picked up your bro-in-law at the airport and he's sending much lovin your way! GO TEAM JALENE!
Jalene is having a tough night tonight after her radiation today, and up for another 2 hour session on Wednesday morning, then it's back to recuperating for the remainder of the week.
Mom and Chuck are parked in Jalene's driveway (in their motorhome) for the full month of October, so it's GREAT they will be there to help out Jalene and the boys with anything they need. Joseph, I know, is very excited about having Toby the dog around, and also Grandma's cookin!
Thank you everybody for the comments you're leaving, and for all the continuing support for our Ironwoman. Jalene's Beaverton Bunko group all chipped in for an Albertsons gift card for Jalene, so you guys ROCK!

Jalene, remember Sammy loves you and he's singing this one to you! We might not be watching him in concert at Delta Park, and no scuffles in the beer garden at the moment, but you can listen to him on your blog! :)
Janis xxxooo

1 comment:

Kimmer said...

I am so glad to hear your mom is there taking care of you guys. I love you and am praying hard. You are in my thoughts constantly during the day and this month was the first I was bummed I quit bunko. I love ya baby, Hang in there -Kimmer