Thursday, September 25, 2008

Half-way through!

Jalene is officially halfway through her radiation! The road ahead will not get any easier, but gettin all the love from you all is helping.

TEAM JALENE bracelets are on track to be here early next week and we'll be shipping them out asap. The outpouring of support for Jalene has been tremendous, so my order of 500 bracelets might be going very fast! Alas, I will be re-ordering quickly if need be.

Jalene is taking looks at the blog now and then from her house, so keep the words of encouragement coming!

And, unfortunately, an online method of payment will not be happening as I have researched all methods and none come with a 'fee-free' plan.
But it's all good!

Thank you to everyone for helping our girl through another tough week. She's still feeling pretty miserable from the radiation sessions of this week, but hopefully through the weekend she'll perk up a little bit to enjoy the sunshine we're supposed to get!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day Two of radiation this week

It's Day Two of Radiation for Jalene this week, and as I type this she is in a 2 hour session right now. My mom and I bought Jalene groceries yesterday, went and visited a little while, and she was feeling horrible yesterday and last night.
Before we left Jalene's house yesterday, she was laying on the couch...so my 2 1/2 yr old daughter, Julianne, went and snuggled with her Auntie to give her some hugs and kisses. So I said "Julianne, why don't you sing Auntie 'GG' a song? So Julianne started singing 'Amazing Grace' to Jalene and sang her the whole song. It was awesome!
Keep bringing on the love!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Keep prayers coming...

It's Tuesday morning and Jalene is getting ready to start a 2 hr radiation session that starts at 10am. Please send positive energy and LOTS of prayers her way...it helps!
Thank you again everybody for coming together on this...Jalene is so amazed!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's a New Day

Hey guys,
Well, it's a new day for Jalene and she's been hanging tough through another weekend. She's been feeling good off and on, and just trying to stay healthy through all of this. Her next 2 hour radiation session is on Tuesday, then again on Wednesday, but all the LOVE being sent her way by family and friends is helping!

In another week the bracelets will be here and I'll be shipping them out! I've seen the 'art mock' and they look awesome! Once I've shipped them out, I'm going to set up a slideshow video on the blog so people can send in their 'bracelet-wearing' pics and we'll show them all on the blog and get to see everyone wearing their bracelets.

I'm sorry that no online payment method is available. I'm not able to find a way to do this without Jalene's donation account being charged fees, and I definitely would rather do this the old-fashioned way than to trade convenience for fees.

Keep the love coming!

Peace, Janis