Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Two people emailed me tonight and their words left me totally inspired.
The first person was the amazing Fr. John, and anyone who knows him KNOWS he is the MOST inspired AND inspiring! This quote is on his 'signature' at the bottom of his email:

"In the evening of our lives we will be judged on one thing: love." St. John of the Cross
The second person who emailed me is a long time friend who has known Jalene since high school. Annie, you rock! This is what Annie had to say:

"I was so very glad to hear that Jalene is cancer free and feeling better! I’ve been keeping her in my prayers….a lot of people have…..people I have shared her story with…..people she doesn’t know……so many are praying for her. When you see her next will you please give her a big hug for me? Thanks Janis for all that you have done with the blog and continue to do daily. I wonder if you will ever fully know the impact of the blog…not just for Jalene but for us all……"

You know, it's obvious how much Jalene is loved, BOY is she loved! How blessed is she to have all of you out there who care...and all of you out there that don't even know Jalene. Did I mention how much I loved this quote Fr. John had in his email to me?

"In the evening of our lives we will be judged on one thing: love." St. John of the Cross

So, Jalene is home sick with Step Throat...(can the girl even get a break?)...Jalene you are loved!


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