Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Message from Jalene's Radiologist

Hi all,
Here's an AMAZING email I got from one of Jalene's Radiologists:


My name is Andrew and I'm one of your sister's Radiologist's. I wanted to introduce myself & email you to let you know what an amazing BLOG you've created. Jay just told us about it last Friday when she was here for her tests - cannot believe she never mentioned it. She seems private, so I'm not surprised. You would have heard from me long ago had I known about it. (We all gave her a hard time for not saying anything). She and I went through all the pictures, comments and updates - and it's very cool. You are a wonderful sister and it doesn't surprise me at the out-pouring of support Jay has received.

Which leads me to my next topic: JAY.

She ROCKS!! I was here when she went through her first round of Chemo & Radiation. I, well all of us, immediately were drawn to her and she is 'up there' on our favorite patient list! She has lifted my spirits since day one and I always looked forward to seeing her. She's amazing, what can I say? This certainly isn't an easy place to be, as I see so many people come & go, with their lives flipped upside down. But it's worth it when you have people like Jay. From the 'inside' of Radiology, this was very disturbing to have her as a patient, again, and watch her go through this for the 2nd time. She has had a tough last 4 months or so. But she's been so positive, under some very stressful circumstances. She's been a tough patient and has endured a lot. I continue to be impressed at her perseverance. She did have several 'moments' during her treatments, many tears, nauseated all the time, feeling worried & sad and so tired. It was hard to watch. But every time she'd walk out, she'd have a high-five ready for me and yell 'AMEN'. That was her 'thing.' And she'd make all us of scream it with her - in unison. Even the ADMIN's. (JJ is so funny). She's just beautiful and deserves everything life has to offer. I agree with you that she WILL be back on her bike, back in the pool, hitting the Portland streets with her NIKE's on running for miles! I'm not sure anything can stop that girl. We can all learn so much from her. I know I have.

By the way, J brought a bracelet in to me yesterday! You done good ---

I will miss her a lot. I'm moving to the east coast, as I just accepted a new job. I will continue to email her and call every now and then. Thank you, Janis, for being an amazing sister and supporter. Thank you to everyone. I KNOW that she will continue to show her children, family and friends that she's a fighter and continue to hold her head high. She has a lot to be thankful for. She is my ROCK STAR.

Sincerely, Andrew

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