Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ringing in the New Year Cancer FREE!~

For anyone who's still checking on this blog from time to time...we have great news! Jalene's most recent CAT scan came back CANCER FREE! What better way to ring in the new year?!
Thank you to everyone who is still praying for Jalene and her boys!!!
Much love to you all and to Jalene in 2009...


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hey all,

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but this story is worthwhile for any of you still checking out the blog. Jaime Bledsoe is the son of Dyan and James Bledsoe, they live in Pullman, WA, and they are one of my closest friends.
Well, they visited us over Thanksgiving weekend, and they showed me that the wording 'TEAM JALENE' is completely worn off his bracelet. And that's because he's never taken it off. He is a freshman in high school, and on the football team. When game time arrived, his coach told him to take off the bracelet, and Jaime put it in his shoe, and that's what he did for every game. How sweet is that? So, eventually the wording rubbed off the bracelet. Now if that's not showing your love then I don't know what is. Jaime is awesome.


Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thank you to everyone who loves and supports Jalene. Thank you to those who send positive energy her way every day! Jalene is hanging in there at work, although it's been very difficult.

Most of you probably aren't checking out the blog anymore, but for those of you who look at it once in a while, I want to say thanks for all those people who have inspired Jalene on this journey. You all have also inspired me!



Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Two people emailed me tonight and their words left me totally inspired.
The first person was the amazing Fr. John, and anyone who knows him KNOWS he is the MOST inspired AND inspiring! This quote is on his 'signature' at the bottom of his email:

"In the evening of our lives we will be judged on one thing: love." St. John of the Cross
The second person who emailed me is a long time friend who has known Jalene since high school. Annie, you rock! This is what Annie had to say:

"I was so very glad to hear that Jalene is cancer free and feeling better! I’ve been keeping her in my prayers….a lot of people have…..people I have shared her story with…..people she doesn’t know……so many are praying for her. When you see her next will you please give her a big hug for me? Thanks Janis for all that you have done with the blog and continue to do daily. I wonder if you will ever fully know the impact of the blog…not just for Jalene but for us all……"

You know, it's obvious how much Jalene is loved, BOY is she loved! How blessed is she to have all of you out there who care...and all of you out there that don't even know Jalene. Did I mention how much I loved this quote Fr. John had in his email to me?

"In the evening of our lives we will be judged on one thing: love." St. John of the Cross

So, Jalene is home sick with Step Throat...(can the girl even get a break?)...Jalene you are loved!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cancer Awareness

I want to take this opportunity, since I have your attention, to share some health facts about cervical cancer. We can all officially say that we've known someone that has had to battle Cervical Cancer, and most likely a few of you have known other women besides Jalene.


What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix grow out of control. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer can often be cured when it’s found early. It is usually found at a very early stage through a Pap test.
What causes cervical cancer?
Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, or HPV. You get HPV by having sex with someone who has it. There are many types of the HPV virus. Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Some of them cause genital warts, but other types may not cause any symptoms.
You can have HPV for years and not know it. It stays in your body and can lead to cervical cancer years after you were infected. This is why it is important for you to have regular Pap tests. A Pap test can find changes in cervical cells before they turn into cancer. If you treat these cell changes, you may prevent cervical cancer.
What are the symptoms?
Abnormal cervical cell changes rarely cause symptoms. But you may have symptoms if those cell changes grow into cervical cancer. Symptoms of cervical cancer may include:
Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal, or a change in your menstrual cycle that you can't explain.
Bleeding when something comes in contact with your cervix, such as during sex or when you put in a diaphragm.
Pain during sex.
Vaginal discharge that is tinged with blood.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feeling good!

Hi Everyone,

So Jalene is feeling pretty good lately...still very tired and hanging in there. I have been getting a few more pictures for the slideshow, and even some more orders coming in for bracelets, which is awesome since the REAL BULK of the medical bills are soon to be coming in for Jalene.

Thank you everyone for your continued support, love, and prayers for our Ironwoman and her boys!

peace and love

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where the Streets Have No Name!

The song you're listening to is by the group, U2. When Jalene crossed the finish line at the Ironman in Arizona, this is the song that was blasting over the speakers! She could hear it from a little ways away...and as she ran, it got louder and louder.

Jalene, this song is for you!!! This 'battle' of cancer was another 'IRONMAN race' that you fought through and conquered!!! I love you so much and am so proud to call you my sister.

Rock on baby!!!!


Message from Jalene's Radiologist

Hi all,
Here's an AMAZING email I got from one of Jalene's Radiologists:


My name is Andrew and I'm one of your sister's Radiologist's. I wanted to introduce myself & email you to let you know what an amazing BLOG you've created. Jay just told us about it last Friday when she was here for her tests - cannot believe she never mentioned it. She seems private, so I'm not surprised. You would have heard from me long ago had I known about it. (We all gave her a hard time for not saying anything). She and I went through all the pictures, comments and updates - and it's very cool. You are a wonderful sister and it doesn't surprise me at the out-pouring of support Jay has received.

Which leads me to my next topic: JAY.

She ROCKS!! I was here when she went through her first round of Chemo & Radiation. I, well all of us, immediately were drawn to her and she is 'up there' on our favorite patient list! She has lifted my spirits since day one and I always looked forward to seeing her. She's amazing, what can I say? This certainly isn't an easy place to be, as I see so many people come & go, with their lives flipped upside down. But it's worth it when you have people like Jay. From the 'inside' of Radiology, this was very disturbing to have her as a patient, again, and watch her go through this for the 2nd time. She has had a tough last 4 months or so. But she's been so positive, under some very stressful circumstances. She's been a tough patient and has endured a lot. I continue to be impressed at her perseverance. She did have several 'moments' during her treatments, many tears, nauseated all the time, feeling worried & sad and so tired. It was hard to watch. But every time she'd walk out, she'd have a high-five ready for me and yell 'AMEN'. That was her 'thing.' And she'd make all us of scream it with her - in unison. Even the ADMIN's. (JJ is so funny). She's just beautiful and deserves everything life has to offer. I agree with you that she WILL be back on her bike, back in the pool, hitting the Portland streets with her NIKE's on running for miles! I'm not sure anything can stop that girl. We can all learn so much from her. I know I have.

By the way, J brought a bracelet in to me yesterday! You done good ---

I will miss her a lot. I'm moving to the east coast, as I just accepted a new job. I will continue to email her and call every now and then. Thank you, Janis, for being an amazing sister and supporter. Thank you to everyone. I KNOW that she will continue to show her children, family and friends that she's a fighter and continue to hold her head high. She has a lot to be thankful for. She is my ROCK STAR.

Sincerely, Andrew

Monday, November 3, 2008


We have wonderful news!!! Jalene got the beautiful call from her doctor saying that all tests came back NEGATIVE AND CLEAR OF CANCER! Isn't that fantastic!?
This is awesome news!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who prayed for Jalene these past few months...prayer is powerful!

Jalene goes back in one month for more tests to follow-up.

THANK YOU EVERYONE. I can't say it enough!!!
