Friday, September 19, 2008


If you are interested in leaving a comment, please scroll down to the bottom of the most recent posting, and there will you find this line:

"Posted by Joplin at 8:54 AM COMMENT ON THIS POST "

You can then click on the 'comment on this post' line and it will take you to a pop-up window where you can leave your own comment.

Hope this helps!

You can also see how many views we have on this blog below the picture of Jalene on her bike...now we're almost to 260!!

1 comment:

Carla Z said...

Hey J,
It was so good to talk to you yesterday. You have so many people that love you and are pulling for you! I think this blog your sis made is AWESOME. I love seeing you all geared up for marathon! You are an incredible athlete, friend, mom, sis, daughter,etc.....You always brighten up my day. I had lunch w/ my sales team and told them they were going to be buying bracelets from me to support my friend. So....now you have a sales rep working for you. Rock on J, Fight the fight, be tough, you are so loved! When you are up to it, dinner and beers are on us at Bamboo! Love Ya, Carla