Monday, September 29, 2008

Why do birds...suddenly appear...

Your ears are not deceiving you...this really IS the Carpenters playing on the blog today! This is dedicated to my sister, Jalene, to hopefully put a smile on her face on this tough and difficult day she has coming up on Tuesday.
One of the songs on this track, "Close to You", is, should I say, one of 'our' songs that we love to sing to each other over the years...going waaaaay back to when CJ was only 3 months old and she was living with mom and Chuck again. Well, I had just had my first knee surgery and she had to share the sofa bed with me in the downstairs TV room. I had a Carpenters tape that I would listen to at night to help get to sleep..and she was like "Janis, you've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME". And I thought to myself..'oh yes, this will be fun'!
Well, I would always sing this song to her at night and we'd end up in hysterics laughing. Well, it's 18 years later, and I routinely leave it on her voice mail, or sing to her in person, and well....if Jalene is the only person today that starts cracking up when she pulls up the Blog, then it's all worth it.

Always, Close to you Jalene :)

Love your little sis, Janis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great, Jalene! Now I've got The Carpenters stuck in my head!! Oh, well, if that's what I've got to suffer through to send you a little love, I will do it! ;-)

Seriously, though... I am sending you lots of prayers, positive thoughts, and strength! It seems there's a lot of cancer in the lives of people in my life right now, and it keeps making me think of a quote from Sheryl Crow that was posted on the Caringbridge website of one of my friend's sons. She said "All of you out there who think you have everything figured out, watch out! It is the detours in life that teach us and help us find out who we really are." May this detour be only that -- a detour -- and may you find out at the end how awesome you are!!! Hugs, Stephanie La-Miller