Thursday, October 2, 2008

A message from mamacita

This is a message from our mamacita:

Chuck, Toby, and I are sitting in Jalene's driveway this morning, and I'm in the place I know I really need to be. It's so much fun to be close to CJ and Joseph.
I love you Jalene,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still think of you every time I hear the Indigo Girls.....I remember the concert we went to when you were pregnant with Joseph and everyone thinking that we were a couple...we were two crazy girls!

It's been many years since I've seen you...at least since my wedding which was eight years ago. I was really sad to read about your fight with cancer. I hope in some way it comforts you to know that I will be keeping you in my prayers...that God surrounds you with His healing hands.

The boys are so grown up and so handsome! Brian and I also have two boys. Connor will be five in January and Jack just turned three. I am at home with them and like you, they are my everything! We recently put our house on the market and will be moving to Northern Virginia. Brian got a great job offer in Falls Church, just outside of D.C. We are really excited to begin a new adventure!

Wishing you peace during this trying time and the comfort in knowing that so many love you.

Lovin' you...CC!
