Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hey all,

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but this story is worthwhile for any of you still checking out the blog. Jaime Bledsoe is the son of Dyan and James Bledsoe, they live in Pullman, WA, and they are one of my closest friends.
Well, they visited us over Thanksgiving weekend, and they showed me that the wording 'TEAM JALENE' is completely worn off his bracelet. And that's because he's never taken it off. He is a freshman in high school, and on the football team. When game time arrived, his coach told him to take off the bracelet, and Jaime put it in his shoe, and that's what he did for every game. How sweet is that? So, eventually the wording rubbed off the bracelet. Now if that's not showing your love then I don't know what is. Jaime is awesome.


Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thank you to everyone who loves and supports Jalene. Thank you to those who send positive energy her way every day! Jalene is hanging in there at work, although it's been very difficult.

Most of you probably aren't checking out the blog anymore, but for those of you who look at it once in a while, I want to say thanks for all those people who have inspired Jalene on this journey. You all have also inspired me!



Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Two people emailed me tonight and their words left me totally inspired.
The first person was the amazing Fr. John, and anyone who knows him KNOWS he is the MOST inspired AND inspiring! This quote is on his 'signature' at the bottom of his email:

"In the evening of our lives we will be judged on one thing: love." St. John of the Cross
The second person who emailed me is a long time friend who has known Jalene since high school. Annie, you rock! This is what Annie had to say:

"I was so very glad to hear that Jalene is cancer free and feeling better! I’ve been keeping her in my prayers….a lot of people have…..people I have shared her story with…..people she doesn’t know……so many are praying for her. When you see her next will you please give her a big hug for me? Thanks Janis for all that you have done with the blog and continue to do daily. I wonder if you will ever fully know the impact of the blog…not just for Jalene but for us all……"

You know, it's obvious how much Jalene is loved, BOY is she loved! How blessed is she to have all of you out there who care...and all of you out there that don't even know Jalene. Did I mention how much I loved this quote Fr. John had in his email to me?

"In the evening of our lives we will be judged on one thing: love." St. John of the Cross

So, Jalene is home sick with Step Throat...(can the girl even get a break?)...Jalene you are loved!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cancer Awareness

I want to take this opportunity, since I have your attention, to share some health facts about cervical cancer. We can all officially say that we've known someone that has had to battle Cervical Cancer, and most likely a few of you have known other women besides Jalene.


What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix grow out of control. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer can often be cured when it’s found early. It is usually found at a very early stage through a Pap test.
What causes cervical cancer?
Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, or HPV. You get HPV by having sex with someone who has it. There are many types of the HPV virus. Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Some of them cause genital warts, but other types may not cause any symptoms.
You can have HPV for years and not know it. It stays in your body and can lead to cervical cancer years after you were infected. This is why it is important for you to have regular Pap tests. A Pap test can find changes in cervical cells before they turn into cancer. If you treat these cell changes, you may prevent cervical cancer.
What are the symptoms?
Abnormal cervical cell changes rarely cause symptoms. But you may have symptoms if those cell changes grow into cervical cancer. Symptoms of cervical cancer may include:
Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal, or a change in your menstrual cycle that you can't explain.
Bleeding when something comes in contact with your cervix, such as during sex or when you put in a diaphragm.
Pain during sex.
Vaginal discharge that is tinged with blood.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feeling good!

Hi Everyone,

So Jalene is feeling pretty good lately...still very tired and hanging in there. I have been getting a few more pictures for the slideshow, and even some more orders coming in for bracelets, which is awesome since the REAL BULK of the medical bills are soon to be coming in for Jalene.

Thank you everyone for your continued support, love, and prayers for our Ironwoman and her boys!

peace and love

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where the Streets Have No Name!

The song you're listening to is by the group, U2. When Jalene crossed the finish line at the Ironman in Arizona, this is the song that was blasting over the speakers! She could hear it from a little ways away...and as she ran, it got louder and louder.

Jalene, this song is for you!!! This 'battle' of cancer was another 'IRONMAN race' that you fought through and conquered!!! I love you so much and am so proud to call you my sister.

Rock on baby!!!!


Message from Jalene's Radiologist

Hi all,
Here's an AMAZING email I got from one of Jalene's Radiologists:


My name is Andrew and I'm one of your sister's Radiologist's. I wanted to introduce myself & email you to let you know what an amazing BLOG you've created. Jay just told us about it last Friday when she was here for her tests - cannot believe she never mentioned it. She seems private, so I'm not surprised. You would have heard from me long ago had I known about it. (We all gave her a hard time for not saying anything). She and I went through all the pictures, comments and updates - and it's very cool. You are a wonderful sister and it doesn't surprise me at the out-pouring of support Jay has received.

Which leads me to my next topic: JAY.

She ROCKS!! I was here when she went through her first round of Chemo & Radiation. I, well all of us, immediately were drawn to her and she is 'up there' on our favorite patient list! She has lifted my spirits since day one and I always looked forward to seeing her. She's amazing, what can I say? This certainly isn't an easy place to be, as I see so many people come & go, with their lives flipped upside down. But it's worth it when you have people like Jay. From the 'inside' of Radiology, this was very disturbing to have her as a patient, again, and watch her go through this for the 2nd time. She has had a tough last 4 months or so. But she's been so positive, under some very stressful circumstances. She's been a tough patient and has endured a lot. I continue to be impressed at her perseverance. She did have several 'moments' during her treatments, many tears, nauseated all the time, feeling worried & sad and so tired. It was hard to watch. But every time she'd walk out, she'd have a high-five ready for me and yell 'AMEN'. That was her 'thing.' And she'd make all us of scream it with her - in unison. Even the ADMIN's. (JJ is so funny). She's just beautiful and deserves everything life has to offer. I agree with you that she WILL be back on her bike, back in the pool, hitting the Portland streets with her NIKE's on running for miles! I'm not sure anything can stop that girl. We can all learn so much from her. I know I have.

By the way, J brought a bracelet in to me yesterday! You done good ---

I will miss her a lot. I'm moving to the east coast, as I just accepted a new job. I will continue to email her and call every now and then. Thank you, Janis, for being an amazing sister and supporter. Thank you to everyone. I KNOW that she will continue to show her children, family and friends that she's a fighter and continue to hold her head high. She has a lot to be thankful for. She is my ROCK STAR.

Sincerely, Andrew

Monday, November 3, 2008


We have wonderful news!!! Jalene got the beautiful call from her doctor saying that all tests came back NEGATIVE AND CLEAR OF CANCER! Isn't that fantastic!?
This is awesome news!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who prayed for Jalene these past few months...prayer is powerful!

Jalene goes back in one month for more tests to follow-up.

THANK YOU EVERYONE. I can't say it enough!!!


Jalene's friend Rick

This is a picture I love. Jalene met Rick while doing the Ironman in Arizona. He lives in Philidelphia and sent me this picture, which is from the Appalachian trail..and holding up his TEAM JALENE bracelet...I love it! Thanks Rick!!
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A Good Morning message from Mamacita

Chuck and I are pulling out of Jalene's driveway this morning. CJ is off to school early, Joseph rode his bike to school, and Jalene left for work. It's kinda sad to say goodbye, we've so enjoyed being part of Jalene's family on a daily basis, and I'm so glad I was here.
Jalene had a rough weekend, lots of anxiety about lots of things, and she is SO so tired all the time. So day by day I believe she will get her strength back, and I pray for PEACE, STRENGTH, AND GUIDANCE for her. I've seen so much support and love for my girl, and it's overwhelming. Thank you to everyone. So we're off to Bonneville Fish Hatchery for the month of November. Much love to you Jalene and to everyone who reads this. And Janis, you have done such an amazing and wonderful thing for your sister..what a great idea.

Love mom

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hi sister,

I know you're not feeling well at all this weekend and I want to say I love you! We are all standing behind you and praying for you.

**Jalene had final tests last Friday, but no results come out until next week. I will keep you all updated on the test results!

Peace and Love

Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Happy halloween

Happy Halloween!

Jalene is at home tonight and gearing up for possibly going into work tomorrow..I actually don't know whether she's planning on going in or not. Hopefully not as her body has not recovered from the radiation treatment this week.
She has normally been going in on Mondays, then works early morning Tuesday before radiation, then the same Wednesday if her body can handle it. Then Thursdays she's pretty much down for the count...and Fridays are a toss-up..depending on how her body is holding up.
So, if she's planning on throwing herself back into the 40+ hour workweek starting next week, she's going to need a lot of support and prayers as that's going to be a huge adjustment.

Thank you to everyone so far who has sent in pictures for the slide show! (Mostly my friends because I'm continuously harassing you :) )

I have to put this picture of Jalene on this post because it's Halloween, and this was taken a couple of years ago and I love this picture of her!


This is it!

She's DONE!!!!! Yesterday was Jalene's final radiation treatment, and although she is feeling horrible, she is so fired up! I didn't talk to her much yesterday because she was feeling too sick to talk on the phone....but I heard the emotion in her voice and she's so thankful it's over with and so grateful to everyone who's been supporting her.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE...this blog couldn't have happened without YOU.

Jalene has an scan on friday that will determine that all the cancer is gone, so keep praying everyone.
Because Jalene is a HUGE fan of Michael McDonald, and of course all 3 of us sisters are crazy for him...we will celebrate the end of Jalene's treatments with some MM.

God bless all of you! You are loved.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One day to go!

Jalene is resting at home tonight after her 2nd to LAST radiation session.

A big thank you to a good friend of hers in Boston who called her tonight and completely lifted her spirits. She is, as expected, not feeling well, but got a big hug from Julianne! Before we left Jalene's house today, Julianne insisted on climbing on Auntie GG's bed to give her a big hug and kiss...then proceeded to pick up a lifesize Tiger (stuffed animal), and heave-ho it on the bed to snuggle with Jalene. Pretty cute.

We love you Jalene..you can do it. One more day.

You are loved!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hi Jalene

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This lifeguard's for you Jalene

Ok, so tuesday morning is Jalene's radiation treatment. I know she's really having a hard time, so sister, this should give you a laugh.

I know that your own personal lifeguard, David, is singing straight out to ya! Especially because of what happened when our family was camping waaaaaaaaaaaay long ago. All I remember is swimming in the lake, when all of a sudden the lifeguard came running and splashing by me, muscles rippling in the sun...and he went jumping in the water to save my sister Jalene from drowning. Well, we all know that Jalene was wildly flailing her arms 'supposedly' drowning because she thought the lifeguard was a hottie. And this I vaguely remember because I think I was only 10 years old or so..which would put Jalene at about 12 years old.

Good stuff. So Jalene, this 'lifeguard' is for you!


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hey all,

This is Jalene's LAST WEEK of radiation treatments!!! Then on this coming friday she has a scan that will confirm that the cancer is all gone! She has had a pretty good weekend, just very tired as usual.

Keep sending the love and hey, what about all you people out there who haven't sent me your pictures showing your bracelets!? There are A LOT of you out there NOT on the slideshow! So...give your sister Jalene some lovin and send me your pic. Just use your cell phone if that's easiest...and send it straight to my email from your cell!



Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Arise Today

I arise today
Through the strength of heaven:
Light of sun,
Radiance of moon,
Splendour of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of wind,
Depth of sea,
Stability of earth
Firmness of rock.--
Kuno Meyer Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry

Friday, October 24, 2008

Auntie GG and Julianne (niece)

This is a great picture of my daughter, Julianne, and Jalene from this past weekend. We were in Boring, OR at our Aunt Peggy's house for a big family Harvest Fest get together. This picture is just beautiful. No wonder Jalene always gets away with telling people Julianne is HER daughter! :)
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Thursday, October 23, 2008


WOW YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Starting from the left, this picture is of Aunt Rita, Diane, and Mandy. They are our Minnesota relatives who put together the donation garage sale with all proceeds going to TEAM JALENE. Thanks guys! I LOVE THE PIC and I know Jalene will love seeing it on the blog also.


Miesen Family
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One week left!

Hey all,

So Jalene finished up her radiation for this week, is at home, and not feeling well at all tonight. She's down for the count, and please keep the prayers coming. Next week is her last week of radiation, and then she gets an ultrasound done to determine where the cancer is at.

I cannot say it enough...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all who have supported Jalene, and I know will continue to support her as dedicated friends and family in her life.

Hopefully Jalene starts to feel better in the next couple of days and can re-energize for her last week of treatment.

Love to you all, and love to Jalene,


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Jalene is feeling pretty sick tonight, so everyone please send a few of your angels her way to get through the second treatment on Wednesday.

I love you Jalene, and I'm sending all twelve of my angels to you!


Radiation Day

Say prayers for our girl today. It's another radiation day and the session begins at 11am for 2 hours. We love you Jalene, you can and will get through this! We are all by your side!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Diane brought it baby!

This post is a big SHOUT OUT to my cousin Diane in Minnesota. She came up with an amazing idea to have a 'donation' garage sale in which all proceeds go towards Jalene and the boys. So, with her idea in gear, my other cousin Mandy and my Aunt Rita all got together to make it happen. Even my cousins' neighbors all pitched in to donate household items...and they don't even know Jalene..so if that isn't God in the works, I don't know what is. :)

So a HUGE THANK YOU goes out to the Minnesota crew who pulled together and raised a great deal of money for the Jalene donation account!!! Our favorite priest here in Portland, Fr. John, has a great saying: YOU ARE LOVED!


Janis and Family


Posted by PicasaI'm a WHOLE lotta woman baby!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2 weeks left! And...

It's a new week for Jalene. She's officially got 2 weeks left of radiation and is staying strong and trying to keep on top of the game! And...........
Where are all the pics? Come ON PEOPLE! Let's show a little lovin in the blog for sister Jalene! It's easy...get out your camera, smile, and show that bracelet. And email me the picture to 'janismiesen@hotmail.com'. Let's get this slideshow growing with peeps who love Jalene.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lovin you

We are all lovin you sister! Since the barbershop was a big hit with the family a few Sunday's ago, here it is again. A wonderful reminder that dad is up there singing in an angel quartet I'm sure! And he's sending down his love to you ALL the time.


Friday, October 17, 2008

xxx ooo

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Your kiss!

Is on my list Auntie GG! I love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow so I can kiss your toe!

Love Julianne

Thursday, October 16, 2008


If YOU don't, then WE do! I have quite an ample supply, so if you need more please let us know! If you don't need more, then helping us spread the word about 'TEAM JALENE' would be awesome. Each bracelet is an opportunity to help raise funds for Jalene and the boys.

We are working on some other ideas to spread the word more, but if you've any, please feel free to let me know!

Jalene has been very sick today and basically home in bed all day. She is attempting to make it into work tomorrow, but is just really exhausted and feeling ill.
Please take a moment tonight, tomorrow, or anytime, to say a prayer for Jalene, CJ, and Joseph.


Message from mom

Message from mom:

"Good morning Jalene. I hope you're feeling better this morning. Another week of radiation is over, and I think we're going to have beautiful Fall days this weekend. So, get outside, kick some leaves, and go for a nice walk. I hope you feel ok to go to Aunt Peggy's Harvest Fest on Saturday because all your cousins will be so happy to see you. I love you so much honey.

Love Mom

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jalene and Carolyn

Posted by PicasaA BIG SHOUT OUT to one of Jalene's great friends, Carolyn. She really hooked Jalene up this past weekend with some good spa treatments, and an excellent surprise that involved some friends flying into town. You rock Carolyn!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Keep the prayers coming

Hey all,

Keep prayers coming. Jalene is having a ROUGH time of it tonight. And I was incorrect in my previous postings about how many treatments Jalene has left. She actually has two more weeks after this one, so basically getting radiation treatments until the end of October.

I love you sister, hang in there. YOU ARE LOVED.


Radiation Day

Another treatment day for our Ironwoman.

You can do it Jalene. There's the light at the end of the tunnel!
We all love you so much and are pulling for you.



Monday, October 13, 2008

Second to the last week!

Hey ya'll,

Hope everyone out there is starting to get their bracelets!

Tomorrow Jalene starts her second to the last week of treatment, isn't that great?
She has actually had a pretty good weekend...very tired, but for the most part a very exciting time spent with some special friends of hers. And they actually flew here all the way from Boston! Now THAT'S pretty amazing.

And, there are unfortunately STILL problems with US Bank I am hearing...and I'm not sure why they can't get it together over there. So, if you are wanting to make a direct deposit at the bank, and since I'm the account administrator for the donation account, please write down my name since they can most likely look it up under either of our names.

Thanks again everyone, and keep the love coming.


Sunday, October 12, 2008


Come I this day to the Father,
Come I this day to the Son,
Come I to the Holy Spirit powerful;
Come I this day with God,
Come I this day with Christ,
Come I with the Spirit of kindly balm.
God, and Spirit, and Jesus,
From the crown of my head
To the soles of my feet;
Come I with my reputation,
Come I with my testimony,
Come I to you, Jesu;
Jesu, shelter me

Friday, October 10, 2008

In the mail!

A BIG thank you to mom and Chuck for addressing all the envelopes and getting those bracelets in the mail today!! I am stuck at the house with sick babies and a sick husband.

Jalene is still feeling 'in the dumps' today, but I hear that CJ is a big help at the house, so thanks to CJ who's an awesome son. (and nephew) ;) He came home from school early this morning and started raking leaves..isn't that great?

We love you Jalene!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The bracelets are in!

The bracelets are here and they look awesome. For those of you who ordered, we're shipping them out to you tomorrow. And if you haven't ordered a bracelet yet, now's the time! :)


We are family..I've got all my sisters and me!

Joanne Jalene Janis

Message from Minnesota

Jalene is still hanging in there this week, but definitely having a tough time. She's been to work every day, and yesterday completed her 6th week of radiation.

Here is a special email I received from my Aunt Rita in Minnesota...my mom's side of the family. Our 'Burtness' cousins are pretty amazing! :

"Hi Janis, I hope you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all daily. Diane and Mandy were over for dinner tonight and Diane is going to organize a garage sale, just for donations only. We've got to hurry up before the snow flys. Diane thinks of everything.... It must be the Burtness blood in the two of you! She has talked with some of her friends and people seem to have tons of stuff to donate so we should do pretty good. I'll keep you posted. Tell everyone hello for me. I sure miss you all,
Hugs and kisses, aunt Rita"

So, thanks to everyone who loves Jalene...wonderful things are happening.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bracelets update!

Finally, the bracelets are on track to arrive tomorrow! I promise we will get these out asap.

Get ready to send in your pictures of you wearing your bracelet. I'm going to be setting up a slide show on the blog so everyone can see all the TEAM JALENE bracelets out there!

Jalene is very sick after the radiation treatment today, so I know you'll keep her in your thoughts.

Love to you all..


Flowers for you Auntie GG

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Julianne's first post for Auntie GG

Today is my daughter, Julianne's (2 1/2 years), first post to the blog for Jalene, aka Auntie GG. Jalene is going through radiation again today, starting at 11am...keep prayers coming! Julianne has proudly picked out the song playing on the blog today, "The Farmer in the Dell". She is singing it right now for Auntie GG and the following is Julianne's message:

"I have a listening sticker Auntie GG. And I'm getting another one! I love Auntie GG!
I love Auntie GG and I love her best! Most of all, I love DaDa! I love Liam and Dad. I love pencils, paper, computers, bugs, flys, and bees. We have a candle, a train, and my Katie Morag book.
I want to say to Auntie JJ.. hello Grandpa and Nana Julie and Jericho!!!! I love DaDa, Toby, Mama, and the tic tac toe game.
I hope you feel all better and I love your toe"


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Steve Perry

Yes this is a Journey moment. A special moment/memory dedicated to Jalene and Joanne. (Joanne, I warned you if you couldn't come up with a story that I would tell one for you!) :)

This moment is for Jalene who's having her 2 hour radiation treatment starting at 11am, and I know she'll need a chuckle today.

Years ago when the Miesen family was camping at Shasta Lake (1982 maybe), Jalene and Joanne used to 'shun' their baby sister (Janis) because I was too young to hang around with them while they were on the hunt for boys.
Having completed their mission, mom made them take me along to hang out. So we went to a campsite where a few young men were hanging out in a trailor, and LOW AND BEHOLD it was actually the rock group, Journey! And the lead singer, Steve Perry, was so HOT!! Can you believe it? Well Jalene and Joanne believed it and thought they were on like Cloud 50 or something. (wheel in the sky)
Well, after having found out Jalene and Joanne lied about their age to these guys, and being the big-mouthed little sister I was, I blurted out, "Jalene, you are NOT 18!", and my most famous line growing up "I'm telling mom!". So, then I basically had to run for my life back to our family campground to seek shelter and to of course 'tell' mom that Jalene and Joanne were lying to these guys about their ages.

And wouldn't you know these guys were lying about who they were? They were not Journey, and the hottie boy was not Steve Perry. Talk about a crushing blow to those two sisters of mine.

So, enjoy the Journey Jalene! This one's for you and Joanne...and Steve Perry.

PS. The bracelets are stuck in customs on the East Coast, and the latest word today is that they are supposedly being shipped tomorrow and I will be provided with a tracking number. Pray for bracelets!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Back to work

Hey everyone,

Jalene is heading back to work today! She will be needing some positive energy vibes coming her way, and definitely lots of prayers. No doubt it will be difficult to keep up on the radiation schedules she has, and also to keep up at work. We are praying for you sister.

I will be updating on bracelet info later today...hopefully the shipping delay isn't too much longer.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kicking out a little barbershop your way

Hey sister,
Here's a little barbershop coming your way for your Sunday. I think it's kinda like Dad sending a little love from up above.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Old School Mix for my girl

Thanks to everyone who's leaving comments on the blog. I know that Jalene and everyone else loves reading them!

This special 'old school mix' from the 80's is solely on here for Jalene's enjoyment. And I have no doubt she will get the smiles she needs when she opens this blog.
Jalene, does this take you back to walking to Columbia Park with the radio on our shoulders? Or the Doug E Fresh Concert we went to in 1984?
Well, it's friday night, so here's to a great weekend for you sister!

I love you!!!!


Delay in Bracelets

I have just been informed this morning that our TEAM JALENE bracelets are stuck in a shipping delay. They are keeping me up to date on the issue.
This bums me out and I'm so sorry everyone! :(

Jalene's wonderful friend, Tracey, has been letting Jalene 'borrow' his dog, Zeus. He's been keeping Jalene company for almost the past month and he's been on the watch, but the cats don't like him. So thank you to Tracey for being so supportive for my sister and such a fantastic friend!

I was at a US Bank in Beaverton yesterday to make a deposit in the donation account, but they couldn't find the account until I gave them my name. If other people have been getting this same issue, I haven't heard about it...so please email me if you are not able to make your deposit at the bank ok?

Happy friday everyone, and thanks for visiting Jalene's blog!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

A message from mamacita

This is a message from our mamacita:

Chuck, Toby, and I are sitting in Jalene's driveway this morning, and I'm in the place I know I really need to be. It's so much fun to be close to CJ and Joseph.
I love you Jalene,


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Give to Live

Hey sister, just picked up your bro-in-law at the airport and he's sending much lovin your way! GO TEAM JALENE!
Jalene is having a tough night tonight after her radiation today, and up for another 2 hour session on Wednesday morning, then it's back to recuperating for the remainder of the week.
Mom and Chuck are parked in Jalene's driveway (in their motorhome) for the full month of October, so it's GREAT they will be there to help out Jalene and the boys with anything they need. Joseph, I know, is very excited about having Toby the dog around, and also Grandma's cookin!
Thank you everybody for the comments you're leaving, and for all the continuing support for our Ironwoman. Jalene's Beaverton Bunko group all chipped in for an Albertsons gift card for Jalene, so you guys ROCK!

Jalene, remember Sammy loves you and he's singing this one to you! We might not be watching him in concert at Delta Park, and no scuffles in the beer garden at the moment, but you can listen to him on your blog! :)
Janis xxxooo

Monday, September 29, 2008

Why do birds...suddenly appear...

Your ears are not deceiving you...this really IS the Carpenters playing on the blog today! This is dedicated to my sister, Jalene, to hopefully put a smile on her face on this tough and difficult day she has coming up on Tuesday.
One of the songs on this track, "Close to You", is, should I say, one of 'our' songs that we love to sing to each other over the years...going waaaaay back to when CJ was only 3 months old and she was living with mom and Chuck again. Well, I had just had my first knee surgery and she had to share the sofa bed with me in the downstairs TV room. I had a Carpenters tape that I would listen to at night to help get to sleep..and she was like "Janis, you've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME". And I thought to myself..'oh yes, this will be fun'!
Well, I would always sing this song to her at night and we'd end up in hysterics laughing. Well, it's 18 years later, and I routinely leave it on her voice mail, or sing to her in person, and well....if Jalene is the only person today that starts cracking up when she pulls up the Blog, then it's all worth it.

Always, Close to you Jalene :)

Love your little sis, Janis

New Day, New Week

It's a new day and new week for Jalene, and the beginning of the last half of her treatments, which start up again tomorrow. She goes in for blood work today and also having an ultrasound later this week to try and detect how much the radiation is getting rid of the cancer. Say prayers!
Bracelets are supposed to be in by Wednesday, so we're getting ready to ship them out hopefully the next day!
My daughter, Julianne, just got off the phone with Jalene who was trying to encourage her to eat her apples. Auntie GG is Julianne's FAVORITE and she never fails to put a smile on Jalene's face. ;)


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Half-way through!

Jalene is officially halfway through her radiation! The road ahead will not get any easier, but gettin all the love from you all is helping.

TEAM JALENE bracelets are on track to be here early next week and we'll be shipping them out asap. The outpouring of support for Jalene has been tremendous, so my order of 500 bracelets might be going very fast! Alas, I will be re-ordering quickly if need be.

Jalene is taking looks at the blog now and then from her house, so keep the words of encouragement coming!

And, unfortunately, an online method of payment will not be happening as I have researched all methods and none come with a 'fee-free' plan.
But it's all good!

Thank you to everyone for helping our girl through another tough week. She's still feeling pretty miserable from the radiation sessions of this week, but hopefully through the weekend she'll perk up a little bit to enjoy the sunshine we're supposed to get!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day Two of radiation this week

It's Day Two of Radiation for Jalene this week, and as I type this she is in a 2 hour session right now. My mom and I bought Jalene groceries yesterday, went and visited a little while, and she was feeling horrible yesterday and last night.
Before we left Jalene's house yesterday, she was laying on the couch...so my 2 1/2 yr old daughter, Julianne, went and snuggled with her Auntie to give her some hugs and kisses. So I said "Julianne, why don't you sing Auntie 'GG' a song? So Julianne started singing 'Amazing Grace' to Jalene and sang her the whole song. It was awesome!
Keep bringing on the love!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Keep prayers coming...

It's Tuesday morning and Jalene is getting ready to start a 2 hr radiation session that starts at 10am. Please send positive energy and LOTS of prayers her way...it helps!
Thank you again everybody for coming together on this...Jalene is so amazed!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's a New Day

Hey guys,
Well, it's a new day for Jalene and she's been hanging tough through another weekend. She's been feeling good off and on, and just trying to stay healthy through all of this. Her next 2 hour radiation session is on Tuesday, then again on Wednesday, but all the LOVE being sent her way by family and friends is helping!

In another week the bracelets will be here and I'll be shipping them out! I've seen the 'art mock' and they look awesome! Once I've shipped them out, I'm going to set up a slideshow video on the blog so people can send in their 'bracelet-wearing' pics and we'll show them all on the blog and get to see everyone wearing their bracelets.

I'm sorry that no online payment method is available. I'm not able to find a way to do this without Jalene's donation account being charged fees, and I definitely would rather do this the old-fashioned way than to trade convenience for fees.

Keep the love coming!

Peace, Janis

Friday, September 19, 2008


If you are interested in leaving a comment, please scroll down to the bottom of the most recent posting, and there will you find this line:

"Posted by Joplin at 8:54 AM COMMENT ON THIS POST "

You can then click on the 'comment on this post' line and it will take you to a pop-up window where you can leave your own comment.

Hope this helps!

You can also see how many views we have on this blog below the picture of Jalene on her bike...now we're almost to 260!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Having trouble making a comment?

Good morning everyone,
I have heard a few people have had problems trying to post a comment and I'm working on this. I'm not sure what the problem is, but every time I test it as a 'generic' user, the comment section is working for me...the system 'thinks' a little longer than usual, but then eventually saves the comment.

Jalene is at my house, just now saw the blog for the first time, and is speechless and very grateful. The good energy is coming through!

And please a reminder that if you make a donation at US Bank, please email me so I can put you on the list for bracelets. Unfortunately if you make a donation at the bank, it doesn't list your name so I can't tell unless you notify me...and I want to make sure everyone gets their bracelets!

Jalene had a 2 hour session of radiation yesterday and this completes her 3rd week of radiation. Keep the love and the prayers coming. God Bless all of you who love Jalene! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Wow everyone. I've gotten so many emails and calls from people..this is just amazing.
Jalene is loved, what can I say!? :)

If you are making a donation at US Bank, please email me so I can send you a bracelet. The bracelet order is still on track to arrive October 1st.

Jalene is hanging tough today after her radiation session, and is definitely feeling the love from all her family and friends! A big thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm about Team Jalene!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Glich at US Bank

There is a 'glich' in the US Bank system everyone. I apologize to those of you who have gone to the bank today and just ended up with someone telling you they couldn't find the account. Now the problem has supposedly been fixed, and as long as they know the account is a donation account, the name it's under is 'JALENE P. BROOKS DONATION'. We are getting an excellent response for these bracelets and, again, I apologize if the bank has inconvenienced anyone.

Tomorrow Jalene starts her 3rd week of radiation, so everyone please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!!!

Love to you all, Janis

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Working on online payment option

Hello everyone,
I want to send a quick note tonight to say that my fantastic cousin, Steve Limbocker, is helping me look into an online payment option that makes sense for Jalene so she doesn't get hit with fees. Hopefully soon we will have that option available for a more convenient and safe way to donate online.
I have already received an awesome response and quite a few bracelet orders! I'm so fired up!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

This is it!

Ok, This is it. I've ordered the bracelets and about to launch this blog for sister Jalene! The bracelets will be in October 1st!
Come together..right now.